Call for papers: submission platform is open!
Abstracts submission platform for PDT congress is open!
You have until Friday June 5, 2020 to submit your proposals.
Authors will be notified on the decision of acceptance at the end of June, 2020.
A special award for the best poster will be given at the end of the congress.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the Elsevier Journal: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
Your document must respect the following instructions:
- Your document must be in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm)
- It must be a maximum single page
- It must be in English
- It must respect the PDT-PDD 2020 conference template
- Submission deadline: Friday June 5, 2020
New for this 3rd PDT symposium!
For the 1st time, the organizing committee of PDT-PDT Update 2020 offers you to present a tree minutes video movie.
All the films submitted will be shown during the congress.
A special award for the best film will be given at the end of the congress. (more information)
October 26 to 30, 2020, Save the date !
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our pleasure to welcome you to Nancy at the third PDT symposium devoted to all aspects of Clinical Photodynamic therapy.
The programme committee, the local organizers and Progepi have worked diligently to put together an outstanding programme.
Clinical PDT will be discussed in term of photodynamic diagnosis or therapy, instrumentation, photosensitizers, light dosimetry and monitoring, mathematical modelling, cellular mechanisms, etc.
The guiding idea of the symposium was to keep alive the spirit of the famous conferences in Brixen. The first conference was a great success in Nancy in 2016 as well as the second one in Kochel am See in 2018. This symposium will involve interesting discussions between young and senior researchers, poster presentations, spoken presentations and talks from guests from the sphere of academic research mainly focused on clinical PDT applications. People from industry will have the opportunity to present their innovations and also to take stock and share future perspectives.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the Elsevier Journal: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
Our hope is for you to have a wonderful, valuable time at the symposium and to leave the meeting energized and armed with new knowledge in Photodynamic therapy.
Céline Frochot & Serge Mordon

Symposium Venue
The third PDT symposium will be held on ENSIC site (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques).
ENSIC is located in the city center of Nancy, at a walking distance from the railway and tram station.
You can access the ENSIC by the street Grandville directly or by the door of the Craffe – street of the Citadel.
1 rue Grandville
54000 Nancy-France