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Welcome to PDT 2026, Save the date !

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to welcome you once again to Nancy for the fifth PDT symposium devoted to all aspects of clinical photodiagnostics and photodynamic therapy.

The program committee, local organizers and PROPULS’ have worked diligently to put together an outstanding program.

Clinical PDT-PD will be discussed in terms of photodynamic diagnosis or therapy, instrumentation, photosensitizers, dosimetry and light monitoring, mathematical modeling, cellular mechanisms and more.

The guiding idea behind the symposium is to keep the spirit of the famous Brixen conferences alive i.e. interesting discussions between young researchers, industrialists, seniors, poster presentations, oral communications and invited lectures on academic research but above all on clinical applications of PDT, in a pleasant atmosphere with good wine, good food and music.

The first conference was a great success in Nancy in 2016, as was the second in Kochel am See in 2018. In 2020, due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, the PDT-PD 2020 organizing committee (teams from Nancy (SFPMed & Progepi) and Munich) decided to offer only an electronic conference.  This was a real success, with over 450 participants. The fourth PDT-PD symposium was held in Kochel am See in 2024.

This fifth PDT-PD symposium will feature interesting discussions between young and established researchers, poster presentations, oral presentations and invited talks from the sphere of academic research focusing primarily on the clinical applications of PDT-PD. Industry representatives will have the opportunity to present their innovations, as well as take stock and share future perspectives.

We hope you will have a warm and enjoyable time at the symposium, and that you will leave the meeting energized and armed with new insights into photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy.

Céline Frochot, LRGP, SFPMed and Serge Mordon, SFPMed

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Symposium Venue

The fifth PDT symposium will be held on ENSIC site (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques).
ENSIC is located in the city center of Nancy, at a walking distance from the railway and tram station.

You can access the ENSIC by the street Grandville directly or by the door of the Craffe – street of the Citadel.

1 rue Grandville
54000 Nancy-France